ECHO - Elk Catholic Helping Others



Our video that connected us to the Basilica National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, DC – where we won the Charity and Service Award in 2012!

What does ECHO stand for?

Elk Catholic Helping Others, but it could just as easily stand for Elk County Helping Others or even Every Christian Helping Others or at its widest interpretation, Every Citizen Helping Others.

What is ECHO?
ECHO is the voice of youth ministry and campus ministry. ECHO encourages and explains ways for young people to serve others in the school, parish, local, and global communities.

How does ECHO work?
Students participate in various activities throughout the year: peer ministry, Project Gifts – preparing Christmas gifts for children in need, visiting the elderly in nursing homes, actively participating in Eucharistic liturgies and services of the Word, international mission trips (PureThirst), local mission work (Frenchville), Catholic Heart Work Camp, recycling programs, cleanup and beautification in State Parks, diaper drive, food drives, and many other activities.

The general concept of an “echo” is repeating the last words of someone. For Christians, we repeat the last words of Christ, calling us to love and forgive all people through serving others. Service rooted in the Gospel literally echoes through the community and world with youth and adults demonstrating God’s love.

ECHO Awareness:
The final aspect of ECHO, is to make the local and world-wide community aware of the many ways to live out their faith in Jesus Christ in a complex world. Sometimes “community service” becomes too secular, loosing it’s foundation in love of God and love of neighbor. ECHO brings the voice back to the community that people can be motivated by the Gospel.

We have made a short video demonstrating our levels of service: pre-service, actual service, and post-service (reflection). ECHO touches each level with prayer and practical preparation, leading all people to faith and service.